All of Fleming & Associates Airflow Measurement Systems are designed to be controlled by IBM PC compatible computers (the AF36 can be operated with or without a computer controller). Use of MS/PCDOS and PCs provides a standardized platform familiar to engineers and operators.
- Easy to use Menu driven approach makes Airflow Measurement an easy task to perform. This reduces the amount of training needed by personnel;
- Built in Quality Control Checks provide confidence;
- Off line definition of measurement parameters allows consistent methodology;
- Simplified correlation to systems of measurements other than Effective Flow Area (EFA) such as geometric gauging and water flow;
- Measurement date is stored on disk in a fully documented format. Reports and measurement data sheets can be printed at any time;
- Measurement data can be exported to most popular spreadsheet packages;
- Users can write their own programs using measurement data;
- Instruction appearing in English can easily be customized in a language of the User’s choice
- SPC graphs/charts such as X-Bar, S-bar, Variation, distribution, and Scatter diagrams. Capability
- Ratio/index and measures of distribution normality such as kurtosis and skew ness are provided for selected sets of data;
– Custom LAN/Mainframe/EDI Interfaces can be provided.
A computerized interface system controller, with Windows XP platform software and a touch screen operator interface control the Airflow Measurement System.
Fleming & Associates proprietary Software provides the selection of three different pressures across the component: 0.5” (12.7 mm), 1.0” (25.4 mm), and 5.0” (127mm) H2O. The system is calibrated at the factory at these pressures using ASME nozzles (upon request the system may be calibrated and configured to operate at other pressures). In order to calculate area, sensor measurements are collected and processed by the computerized interface system. The sensors include six (6) thermostats, linear zed with a measurement specific linear zing circuit, a differential pressure transducer, an additional transducer to measure atmospheric pressure, and a humidity sensor to warn the operator of excessively high humidity. See below for more on the computerized interface system.
AF-36 Computerized Interface System
The AF-36 Airflow Measurement System has a dedicated, computerized system controller and user interface with Fleming proprietary software. The control system is PC based and runs on Windows 7 operating system. While the interface system is PC based, and operates much like a personal computer, it is a dedicated control system that may not be able to perform tasks commonly associated with PCs, such a networking, Internet access or other processing tasks. Fleming & Associates upgrades our PC-based hardware for each AF-36.
- Windows 10 Operating System
AF-36 Measurement System Operations Software

The menu driven approach taken by the AF-36 Software makes airflow measurement an easy task to perform. This also reduces the amount of training needed by airflow measurement personnel. The Software also allows greater control over measurement procedures. All components are not created equal and therefore requirements for different components may vary. The AF-36 Software allows Quality Control and Engineering to define measurement parameters that govern the measurement of each component.
The AF-36 Software is designed to provide a simple means of correlating to systems of measurements other than Airflow such as geometric gauging, water flow and sonic flow. Besides balance compensation, the AF-36 program verifies that measurement system settings are correct for the component(s) being measured which help to minimize operator error. When settings are incorrect, warnings are displayed on the screen informing the operator which setting to adjust. Reference set pressure; component setup and system setup are among the settings verified. This verification increases the reliability of data obtained from the AF-36.
The AF-36 Software increases quality control by checking predetermined tolerances and allowing for all measurement parameters to be entered “off-line” by the engineering staff.
The AF16-S Airflow Measurement System has computerized readout and controls via a controller system with Fleming & Associates Software. Electronics and instrumentation is supplied in a cabinet separate from the plenum chamber.
Fast and Flexible, the AF 16-S can be configured to measure EFA or mass flow.
The control software supports automated correlation to linear or non-linear measurement units.

The FlowLab Mass Flow main menu allows the program User to select system programs from the menu. The menu can be loaded by typing “FlowLab” at the DOS prompt.